Responsibility Brüggemann


The average time that employees stay at Brügge­mann is 13.9 years. This is a number that we are proud of. More than anything else, it shows our commit­ment. As a family busi­ness, we know how important continuity and long-term commit­ment to our own values and convic­tions are. So reli­ab­ility and fair­ness shape the rela­tion­ship, not only with our employees but also with our part­ners and customers. Our integ­rated manage­ment system makes the internal organ­iz­a­tion rigor­ously process-oriented and results-oriented, and it makes work­flows trans­parent. It simpli­fies system docu­ment­a­tion and also enables us as a medium-sized company to even better fulfill the known and future demands of the market and of our stake­holders. Natur­ally, we also take on respons­ib­ility in terms of our industry. Brügge­mann actively parti­cip­ates in the Respons­ible Care Program of the German Chem­ical Industry Asso­ci­ation (VCI).

The company's manage­ment systems are certi­fied in accord­ance with the stand­ards DIN EN ISO 9001, 14001, 50001, and 45001. Moreover, we have also had our activ­ities eval­u­ated by EcoVadis in the areas of the envir­on­ment, work condi­tions, fair busi­ness prac­tices, and sustain­able procure­ment, as part of a sustain­ab­ility assess­ment based on inter­na­tional CSR stand­ards. 

We do a lot for good team­work within the company and we gladly give some­thing back to our employees for their good perform­ance: volun­tary social bene­fits and a varied sports and fitness program, for example.

View the Prima Klima brochure


Sustainability is more than just a goal - it's a commitment and our driver of innovation. We are proud that our commitment has been rated platinum by Ecovadis. This places Brüggemann in the top 1% of rated companies in the last 12 months.

This success not only reflects our commitment to a sustainable future but also enhances the value we offer to our customers by continuously improving in the areas of environment, corporate social responsibility and sustainable procurement.

Corporate Social Respons­ib­ility

As corner­stones of sustain­able action, social and ecolo­gical respons­ib­ility are central to our corporate policy.

Beyond acting in accord­ance with applic­able laws and regu­la­tions, we aim to achieve a standard that goes beyond the legal require­ments. For example, we support the sustain­ab­ility initi­ative of the German chem­ical industry (Chemie3) and are committed to sustain­able devel­op­ment in the chem­ical sector.

Like­wise, we also expect our busi­ness part­ners to comply with the safety, quality, envir­on­mental protec­tion and social respons­ib­ility stand­ards that we have estab­lished and defined in the "Code of Conduct for Suppliers".

Envir­on­mental protec­tion

Because gaseous emis­sions, wastewater, and refuse can never be fully avoided in the produc­tion of chem­ical products, we invest in meas­ures to keep redu­cing envir­on­mental impacts.

An example of this is the continuous modern­iz­a­tion and devel­op­ment of our eco-friendly produc­tion processes. Our quality manage­ment and envir­on­mental manage­ment systems are certi­fied by the DIN EN ISO 9001 and 14001 stand­ards. Envir­on­mental protec­tion is firmly anchored in our company policy. We pledge to protect the envir­on­ment and to conserve natural resources. There­fore the prin­ciple “Respons­ib­ility for the Future” (Sustain­able Devel­op­ment) is a steady component of our thought and action. To do this we continu­ously add to our know­ledge of possible risks, the envir­on­mental sustain­ab­ility of our products, and the energy use of our processes. The know­ledge we obtain forms the basis for determ­ining meas­ures for safety, envir­on­mental protec­tion, and energy effi­ciency.


Continu­ously increasing our energy effi­ciency is a declared corporate objective, and it is solidly integ­rated in the enter­prise organ­iz­a­tion through a certi­fied energy-manage­ment system for our produc­tion sites at Heil­bronn and Luth­er­stadt Witten­berg.

To this end, we system­at­ic­ally identify poten­tial energy savings and estab­lish a basis for energy-related invest­ment decisions. We do not keep the exper­i­ence we have gained to ourselves. Together with other well-known companies in the region, as members of the >> Heil­bronn Franconia Energy Effi­ciency Table we are committed to resource-conserving and envir­on­ment­ally-friendly produc­tion of quality products.

REACH Regu­la­tion

Under REACH \[VO (EG) 1907/2006], the companies of the Brügge­mannGroup (desig­nated here as BRÜGGE­MANN) take on the roles of manu­fac­turer, importer, and also the role of down­stream user. The product port­folio has not changed, even after the 2018 regis­tra­tion period, due to the effects of the REACH regu­la­tion.

Further inform­a­tion

Quality & Certi­fic­a­tions

We want to not only assure the quality of our products, processes, and services at all times, but also to continu­ally develop this quality further – and this is important to us. Our manage­ment systems are certi­fied in accord­ance with DIN EN ISO 9001, 14001, 50001, and 45001. All certi­fic­ates are avail­­able for down­­load if you press "Show more".

You can find the company’s certi­fic­ates for the alcohol segment at the website of Brüggemann­Alcohol.

Proper Conduct in the Event of a Hazardous Incident: Inform­a­tion for our Neigh­bors in Accord­ance with Section 8a of the German Hazardous Incident Ordin­ance

Our company is subject to the oblig­a­tions set forth in the 12th Federal Emis­sion Control Ordin­ance, which is called the Hazardous Incident Ordin­ance. This is because of the quant­ities of relevant substances that can be present at our company. Such substances are considered relevant if their release in the event of an oper­a­tional disrup­tion could pose a hazard to human beings or the envir­on­ment.

Inform­a­tion for down­load