Zinc Derivates Brüggemann

Zinc Derivatives

At Brügge­­mann, the produc­­tion of zinc compounds has more than 50 years of tradi­­tion and it is one of our core compet­en­­cies. Our focus is on produ­­cing active zinc oxides and zinc carbon­ates. To meet the increasing require­­ments for fine­­ness, purity, efficacy, and minim­­­iz­a­­tion of consump­­tion we have developed tailor-made products for our customers, which we continu­ously update in line with chan­­ging market require­­ments and legal constraints.

Zinc Oxide

Brügge­­mann offers its customers active as well as direct and indirect zinc oxides.The active zinc oxides are our specialty, and we produce them from zinc-bearing solu­­tions through wet-chem­ical proced­ures in the precip­it­a­­tion stage. Through a gentle drying process, Brügge­­mann manu­­fac­tures products with high specific surfaces of up to 100 m²/g. The active compounds are used primarily in the rubber industry. In our own Elast­­omer Tech­n­ical Center we continu­ously optimize our customers’ formu­la­­tions. In addi­­tion, we keep devel­oping new applic­a­­tion areas in the cosmetics and house­­hold sectors, but also in the chem­ical industry. Our direct and indirect so-called thermal zinc oxides serve a broad applic­a­­tion spec­trum. For instance, they are used in the rubber, glass/ceramics, phar­ma­ceut­icals/cosmetics, and paint/varnish indus­tries. Below you will find more inform­a­tion about our zinc oxides: Zinc Oxide RAC, Zinc Oxide RAC S, Zinc Oxide RAC CS, Zinc Oxide AC, Zinc Oxide Pro Series, direct/indirect zinc oxides.

Zinc Oxide RAC / Zinc Oxide RAC S

“RAC” stands for “rubber active,” and desig­n­ates our active zinc oxide produced espe­­cially for the rubber industry. Due to its char­ac­ter­­istics and its attractive price/perform­ance ratio, it has a vigor­ously growing market poten­­tial.

In rubber compounds, Zinc Oxide RAC enables reduc­­tion of the dosing quantity relative to the thermal zinc oxides by as much as 50% with the same or improved phys­ical prop­er­­ties in the resulting product. In addi­­tion, Zinc Oxide RAC S offers an optim­­ized grain size distri­bu­­tion.

Addi­tional product inform­a­tion:

  • Activ­ator for sulfur and thiuram vulcan­­iz­a­­tion
  • Ideal for inert systems like EPDM
  • Outstanding price-perform­ance ratio
  • Optim­­ized compos­i­­tion for vulcan­­iz­a­­tion
  • Reduc­­tion of heavy metal content by up to 50% is possible relative to conven­­tional systems

Zinc Oxide RAC CS

Zinc Oxide RAC CS is an active zinc oxide manu­­fac­tured in accord­ance with the core shell prin­­ciple. Zinc oxide molecules in the interior of a conven­­tional particle are not avail­­able for forming the important ZnO accel­er­­ator complexes.

Since we apply the “core-shell” prin­­ciple known from medi­­cine and cata­lysis to zinc oxide, we need less zinc, because only the particle boundary layer of finely distrib­uted ZnO molecules persists – and these are avail­­able for chem­ical reac­­tions. This results in vulcan­­iz­ates with signi­fic­antly improved prop­er­­ties.

Addi­tional product inform­a­tion:

  • Suit­­able for use in the rubber industry
  • A vulcan­­iz­a­­tion activ­ator with signi­fic­antly reduced zinc content for better phys­ical prop­er­­ties at the same time

Zinc Oxide AC

Thanks to its ideal particle consti­tu­­tion, this is a product that is suit­­able for the cata­lyst industry. With its effi­­ciency, Zinc Oxide AC is also ideal for use in the rubber industry.

Addi­tional product inform­a­tion:

  • High purity for zinc-cata­­lyzed processes
  • High surface area for high conver­­­sion rates
  • Activ­ator for sulfur and thiuram vulcan­­iz­a­­tion
  • Suit­­able for the manu­­fac­ture of trans­­parent and trans­lu­­cent rubber items

Zinc Oxide Pro Series

The Zinc Oxide Pro Series main­­tains its market posi­­tion in the rubber industry as an active zinc compound, partic­u­larly relative to thermal zinc oxides, due to its price-perform­ance ratio.

Addi­tional product inform­a­tion:

  • Vulcan­­iz­a­­tion activ­ators with emphasis on price, perform­ance, and ecology
  • 1:1 exchange of thermal zinc oxides

Direct/Indirect Zinc Oxides

A mixture of directly and indir­ectly produced zinc oxides that enriches many different applic­a­­tion sectors. The products Zinc Oxide Premium, Zinc Oxide White Seal, and Zinc Oxide Special are genuine all-rounders.

Prop­er­ties: Zinc Oxide Premium:

  • Zinc oxide, 99.8%
  • Indir­ectly produced zinc oxide
  • Used in the cosmetics sector

Prop­er­ties: Zinc Oxide White Seal:

  • Zinc oxide, 99.7%
  • Indir­ectly produced zinc oxide
  • High purity, high particle fine­­ness
  • Broad applic­a­­tion spec­trum: plastics, rubber and chem­ical indus­tries, paints and lacquers

Prop­er­ties: Zinc Oxide Special:

  • Zinc oxide, 99.2%
  • Directly produced zinc oxide
  • Broad applic­a­­tion spec­trum in the glass, enamel and ceramics industry, oil addit­ives, chem­ical industry, rubber industry


Zinc Carbonate

A product with great poten­­tial: In the produc­­tion of zinc carbon­ates too, Brügge­­mann has many years of exper­­i­ence and offers a maximum of quality and effi­­ciency for a wide variety of applic­a­­tions in the chem­ical, phar­ma­ceut­ical, and cosmetics indus­tries. In these sectors too, we develop specific and indi­vidual solu­­tions in close commu­n­ic­a­­tion with our customers. Below you will find more inform­a­tion about our zinc carbon­ates: Zinc Carbonate RAC and Zinc Carbonate AC.

Zinc Carbonate RAC

A highly active zinc compound of zinc oxide and hydrozincite with an outstanding price-perform­ance ratio, which is partic­u­larly relevant for sulfur absorp­­tion: our zinc carbonate RAC.

Addi­tional product inform­a­tion:

  • Suit­­able for removal of hydrogen sulfide (e.g., in crude oil and gas explor­a­­tion)
  • Equally applic­able in fertil­izers

Zinc Carbonate AC

Zinc Carbonate AC is not only a raw material for organic zinc deriv­at­ives. In the rubber industry it is also used in the produc­­tion of trans­­parent and trans­lu­­cent rubber items.

Addi­tional product inform­a­tion:

  • Applic­able in zinc soaps and zinc salts, cata­lysts, cosmetics, and house­­hold cleaners, thanks to fungi­­cidal and anti­­­septic active ingredi­ents
  • High purity and react­ivity
  • Activ­ator for sulfur and thiuram vulcan­­iz­a­­tion in the rubber industry

Get non-binding advice on zinc oxide and zinc carbonate now! Contact us!


Markus Piotrowsky

Sales Manager Zinc Derivatives and Hydrosulfite 

Tel.: +49 71 31 15 75-130

Fax: +49 71 31 15 75-25 130

markus.piotrowsky (at) brueggemann.com

Dr. Jan Klitschke

Product Management Zinc Derivatives

Tel.: +49 71 31 15 75-300

Fax.: +49 71 31 15 75-25 300

jan.klitschke (at) brueggemann.com

Brigitte Gramling

Customer Service Zinc Derivatives
Direct and Indirect Zinc Oxides Sales

Tel.: +49 71 31 15 75-147 

Fax: +49 71 31 15 75-25 147

brigitte.gramling (at) brueggemann.com

Tanja Kübler

Customer Service Zinc Derivatives

Tel.: +49 71 31 15 75-175

Fax: +49 71 31 15 75-25 175

tanja.kuebler (at) brueggemann.com