Research and Development:
Researcher at heart

When it comes to the future, Brügge­mann is keeping pace. It follows cross-industry  devel­op­ments and finds innov­ative solu­tions for new chal­lenges. Its high-perform­ance products are the key to customer success. White powder for mega­trends.

“Every chemist is a researcher at heart.”

Dr. Stefan Mark

Products as Solu­tions

Chem­istry is every­where and often makes life easier and. It is very well regu­lated too – and must continue to accom­plish great things in this context. At Brügge­mann, amongst others Dr. Stefan Mark and his team are respons­ible for ensuring that the company keeps pace with the constant changes in innov­a­tion. In 2011 he took over the manage­ment of the Research and Devel­op­ment depart­ment. He is sure that, “Every chemist is a researcher at heart.” As the Head of Sales of Plastic Addit­ives, Dr. Ing. Klaus Bergmann always keeps his ear close to the customer. He not only knows what his products must be able to do to survive in the market, but he also knows how to bring special addit­ives for plastics to the right person with the right instruc­tions. “Brügge­mann makes polymer mater­ials fit for constantly chan­ging tech­nical require­ments”, says Dr. Klaus Bergmann. “We typic­ally recom­mend usage rates of less than 0.5 percent, which can signi­fic­antly change, that is, upgrade the material and bring it to the next level of perform­ance.”

Brügge­mann’s high-perform­ance port­folio of addit­ives for poly­amides is remark­able in the industry in terms of versat­ility and quality. The goal is always to be able to provide own products as a solu­tion – prefer­ably before the customer even real­izes that he has a problem. Dr. Stefan Mark is acquainted all too well with the magic ball. What devel­op­ments are on the horizon? What will be coming? Research is goal-oriented and demand-driven. “The chem­istry must be correct, as must the cost and the produc­tion along with the market need. Only then does a product make sense for us.” But the Research and Devel­op­ment depart­ment is not just working on new product solu­tions. “We are also trying to get to know our existing products better and better and to solve prob­lems with existing products. New is not always better,” says Dr. Stefan Mark. But he knows: The ulti­mate goal is to generate some­thing new. That’s why devel­op­ment needs a lot of energy and patience It may take three to four years before a product is approved and can be sold.

Typic­ally we deliver additive dosings in the order of magnitude of under 0.5%, but with which we can crucially change, i.e, upgrade the material and bring it up to a higher level.

Dr. Klaus Bergmann

Mega-Trends of the Future

Brügge­mann backs a broad base of test products, of which only the best reach the next stage of devel­op­ment and are produced in larger quant­ities. Pyram­idal struc­tures: At the top are only the best. Brüg­golit® FF6 M for example. The applic­a­tion areas for products from the field of plastic addit­ives and indus­trial chem­icals are numerous.  There are pigments, auto­motive paints and anti-corro­sion paints which no longer smell like paint on one side, there are high-perform­ance ther­mo­plastics for the demanding area under the hood on the other. Also circuit breakers, hous­ings and connectors for the elec­trical industry with addit­ives that do not inter­fere with elec­trical prop­er­ties. In addi­tion, there are super­plas­ti­cizers for the concrete industry – espe­cially in Asia where construc­tion is booming. There are also Zinc oxides for car tires. In general, these are substances which make other mater­ials better, more durable, more effi­cient and less prone to wear.

The mega­trends of the future are quickly defined. With the key ideas of light­weight construc­tion and elec­tro­mobility, the auto­motive industry is also affecting the chem­ical sector. The envis­aged replace­ment of metal with poly­meric mater­ials requires an increase in the stability of auto­motive parts which are made of poly­amide. And poly­mers with more fiber­glass filler that still flow well and are easy to process. An ostens­ible contra­dic­tion Brügge­mann tries to resolve. Recyc­ling and sustain­ab­ility are also major topics in chem­istry. Dr. Mark and Dr. Bergmann do not see this as a contra­dic­tion. To estab­lish plastic as a valu­able material in the true sense, which – once recycled – can be completely reused: This goal drives Brügge­mann forward. Ecolo­gical issues of the future can only be imple­mented with intel­li­gent chem­istry. Of this, Dr. Klaus Bergmann is sure.

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