Brüggemann is one of the initial signing members of the "Antwerp Declaration"

In February 73 leaders from diverse European indus­tries came together in Brus­sels to present the "Antwerp Declar­a­tion for a European Indus­trial Deal." to Belgian Prime Minister Alex­ander De Croo and European Commis­sion Pres­ident Ursula von der Leyen.

Brügge­mann is one of the initial signing members of the "Antwerp Declar­a­tion", and there­fore stands for a strong, trans­form­ative, resi­lient, and sustain­able Europe.

The Antwerp Declar­a­tion addresses several key topics focusing on the future of European industry. Below you will find the key aspects: 

  • Trans­forming Europe: Commit­ment to supporting Europe's trans­ition to a more sustain­able and digital economy.
  • Clarity in indus­trial policy:  Demand for trans­parent and predict­able policy frame­works that offer companies plan­ning certainty.
  • Compet­it­ive­ness: Meas­ures to increase the global compet­it­ive­ness of European industry.
  • Resi­li­ence: Strength­ening the resi­li­ence of European industry to economic fluc­tu­ations and crises.
  • Sustain­ab­ility: Promo­tion of sustain­able prac­tices within the industry to support the EU's envir­on­mental goals, including redu­cing CO2 emis­sions.
  • Innov­a­tion and tech­no­logy: Emphasis on the import­ance of research and devel­op­ment and the adop­tion of new tech­no­lo­gies to support indus­trial trans­form­a­tion.
  • Invest­ment: Call for targeted invest­ments in key sectors and tech­no­lo­gies crit­ical to Europe's future.
  • Work­force and Educa­tion: Focus on devel­oping skills and compet­en­cies needed to support indus­trial and digital trans­form­a­tion.

Join us in this pivotal journey to sculpt the future of Europe. Company repres­ent­at­ives as well as private indi­viduals can sign the declar­a­tion under the following link: The antwerp Declar­a­tion for a European Indus­trial Deal (antwerp-declar­a­

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