New activators from Brüggemann presented at the DKT

The German Rubber Confer­ence (DKT), which was post­poned by one year due to the pandemic, took place together with the Inter­na­tional Rubber Confer­ence (IRC) from June 27th to 30th, 2022 in Nurem­berg. After four intensive days, this important trade fair for the rubber industry ended on a very positive note and with great satis­fac­tion on the part of all those repres­enting Brügge­mann.

Over 250 companies from all over the world presented their products and innov­a­tions at the DKT this year. Among them Brügge­mann with two new devel­op­ments in the field of zinc-based activ­ators for rubber vulcan­iz­a­tion. 

The use of the activ­ator TP 1850 allows the replace­ment of zinc oxide in the vulcan­iz­a­tion of both polar and non-polar rubbers. The adhe­sion promoter TP 1862 enables the replace­ment of cobalt and resor­cinol in steel cord adhesive compounds.

For Brügge­mann at the DKT: Markus Piotrowsky, Stefanie Enderle, Dr. Jan Klitschke, Tanja Kübler, Dr. Stefan Mark

Not in the picture: Brigitte Gram­ling and Ümit Özkütükcü

Both new products are in the form of gran­ules (master­batch) and thus make it much easier to incor­porate them into the rubber, which can be done more quickly and homo­gen­eously.

The IRC science confer­ence, which was taking place at the same time, also offered a wide range of lectures with 133 present­a­tions and 36 posters on all topics relating to the rubber industry. With a poster contri­bu­tion, Brügge­mann under­scored its ambi­tious plan to offer a new gener­a­tion of tailor-made activ­ators and addit­ives for rubber vulcan­iz­a­tion using reactive extru­sion.

Brügge­mann's pres­ence at the DKT was very posit­ively received, with more than 60 inquiries being received at the booth.

Feel free to contact us if you have any ques­tions - we look forward to hearing from you!

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