The Brüggemann Institute of Redox Chemistry at the 2022 ACS

Over 7,000 visitors, 365 exhib­itors and 650 confer­ence parti­cipants: A strong and successful comeback of the Amer­ican Coat­ings Show and Confer­ence after the inter­rup­tion due to the Covid-19 pandemic made Indi­ana­polis the center of the coat­ings industry this spring. From 5th to 7th April 2022 Brügge­mann parti­cip­ated in the ACS and took the oppor­tunity to intro­duce their Insti­tute of Redox Chem­istry to inter­ested trade fair parti­cipants.

The Brügge­mann Insti­tute of Redox Chem­istry gradu­ated their inaug­ural class at the 2022 Amer­ican Coat­ings Show in Indi­ana­polis. The insti­tute was founded to develop know­ledge and promote the use of redox as a method to not only elim­inate free monomer in the post poly­mer­iz­a­tion, but also initiate the main poly­mer­iz­a­tion. The work done by the insti­tute covers a wide range of topics from optim­iz­a­tion and mix ratios to novel processes and the impact redox can have on CO2 emis­sions. There are currently 18 courses which can be visited, and the number continues to grow.

For Brügge­mann at the 2022 ACS: Michael S. O’Shaugh­nessy, Paul Fithian and Philip Simer from Bruegge­mann U.S. as well as Dr. Stefan Lätsch and Matthias Lubik from the Brügge­mann headquarter in Heil­bronn, Germany.

The work was origin­ally pack­aged in large present­a­tions.  These present­a­tions were reduced to “short courses” that can be presented and discussed in 10 to 15 minutes allowing people to select which topics are of interest with a minimal time commit­ment.  Prior to the 2022 ACS the only way to review this work was to go through each present­a­tion in its entirety which could take an hour or more for each topic. Now up to 5 courses can be given in the same amount of time allowing people to decide which ones are most applic­able to their current work. These courses can then be further reviewed in detail using the full present­a­tion. 

Several of the courses estab­lish proof of concept that can be used as the basis for further work on poly­mers needing specific and novel prop­er­ties. As time in R&D is always at a premium it has become more and more diffi­cult to try some­thing unique as there is a risk of failure leading to a time invest­ment without benefit. Our courses can help to bridge the know­ledge gap and elim­inate or reduce wasted time in R&D while still allowing for innov­a­tion.

Please feel free to reach out to get a list of the current courses here and schedule a time to review them in person or virtu­ally with your local sales repres­ent­ative!

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